Applying for DGSA examinations
The Department for Transport (DfT) has decided that safety advisers will not have to undergo a course of training approved by the DfT. The form and type of training is a matter for the individual and the employer to decide, based on the individual's knowledge and experience.
You need to apply to SQA to sit the examinations. Please submit your application via the new Microsoft Form and await communication from SQA regarding payment.
For details of the format of exams, see the Syllabus for Dangerous Goods Safety Advisers
You do not need to sit all three examinations on one day - you may hold single subject passes until you gain three. However, you must pass an appropriate combination of three papers within 12 months to qualify as a Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser.
You can usually only sit one mode paper on any one day. However, if you do want to sit more than one mode on the same day, a written request should be submitted to the SQA. You can also extend the areas you can operate in by sitting an additional mode paper later.
The application form asks you to give a choice of examination venues. We will try to allocate your first choice, but this may not always be possible. Sometimes we may allocate you to an examination venue not shown on the original list, but in the same town or city you gave as a choice.
We will confirm your examination details no later than one week before the examination date. This will show the address of the examination venue. You should pay particular attention to this, as it may not have been your first choice. We will also send you a form you can use to notify us of any changes to your details.
Organisations may wish to submit applications on behalf of groups of candidates. We will accept these provided they contain all the required information and the appropriate fee is also submitted.